Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 4
(Production something and presentation to manager) Class : 3EB02 Name : 1. Eko Mahendra ( 22216288 ) 2. Olivia Geovania S (25216682 ) 3. Rifan Nugraha ( 26216371 ) 4. Wahyuning Ayu W ( 2C214170 ) The anti-sleepy motorbike In the rapid development of technology in the current era of globalization has provided many benefits in progress in various aspects of life. Like a new modern technology that will be developed by PT. ECO JAYA, which is a anti-sleepy motorbike. With the production of this motorbike, it is expected to reduce the number of motorbike accidents that occur a lot, which is caused by sleepy motorbike users....