Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 4

(Production something and presentation to manager)

Class   : 3EB02
Name  :
1.      Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 )
2.      Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 )
3.      Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 )
4.      Wahyuning Ayu W     ( 2C214170 )

The anti-sleepy motorbike 

In the rapid development of technology in the current era of globalization has provided many benefits in progress in various aspects of life. Like a new modern technology that will be developed by PT. ECO JAYA, which is a anti-sleepy motorbike. With the production of this motorbike, it is expected to reduce the number of motorbike accidents that occur a lot, which is caused by sleepy motorbike users.
This anti-sleepy motorbike will later be supported by a supporting device namely a helmet. The helmet will be used to detect the level of awareness of motorcycle users. This helmet will be connected to the engine on the motorbike. This motorbike will be produced with super modern technology that will greatly facilitate motorbike users
The following are the features offered by the anti-sleepy motorbike :
a.      Electric Shock Feature
Supporting helmet will detect the blink of an eye from the motorbike user, if when the motor is used and there is no blinking activity within 5 seconds of the motorbike user, the motor will automatically release the electric shock feature, this electric shock feature will emit a vibration sensation in the motorbike which will increase the level of awareness of motorbike users.
b.      Auto Pilot Feature
This feature is very useful for motorbike users who feel tired of driving. they can activate the auto pilot feature, and they can adjust the speed they want according to the conditions of the surrounding environment,
c.       Extra Battery
Extra battery supports the auto pilot feature which can be used up to 5 hours of use. not only that, this extra battery can also be used to charge motorbike users' mobile phones.
d.      Digital GPS
Digital GPS will allow motorbike users to get to their destination. Digital GPS will be connected with a helmet.
Because the anti-sleepy motorbike is produced using sophisticated technology, it cannot be denied that the price offered for this anti-sleepy motorbike is in the range of Rp. 25,000,000 per unit. Because the price offered is quite high for every unit of this anti-sleepy motorbike, the target market is a middle-upper class society. For the initial launch, we will produce around 10,000 units. With the production of anti-drowsy motors, it is expected to provide benefits for the company around 5%.


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