Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 5

Class   : 3EB02
Name  :
1.      Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 )
2.      Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 )
3.      Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 )
4.      Wahyuning Ayu W     ( 2C214170 )

“How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur”

1.      Explaining the goals and benefits of the job
Goals               :
·      To find out how to become a successful entrepreneur
·      To find out what tips can and cannot be done in running a business
·      To find out how to deal with challenges in entrepreneurship
Benefits           :
·      The participants became more interested in entrepreneurship
·      The participants became more confident and ready for entrepreneurship

2.      Explaining the process chain of the job
a.      Determine the talk show theme that would attract many people
b.      Make a general description of the talk show in advance, such as the budget, the interviewees, where the event is held, etc.
c.       Form a committee and division of tasks
d.      Determine the interviewees that match the themes we have chosen
e.      Make an event proposal to find sponsors who can help fund the event we are doing
f.        Preparing for other event equipment, such as audio systems, documentation equipment, accommodation for interviewees  etc.
g.      Confirm the presence of the specified the interviewees
h.      Do a final check before the event starts
3.      Explaining his / her experience
a.        Rifan         : He was once a leader in campus seminars, and he worked very well in directing others.
b.      Olivia         : She served as treasurer in her class, she became a very wise woman in managing her class finances.
c.       Ayu            : When the campus held a stage event, she was in charge of looking for sponsors who wanted to help fund the event.
d.      Eko                        : He is one of the band members on campus, he is very familiar about the audio system.
4.      How to delegate the part of the job
For the division of tasks, carried out based on the ability or experience of each individual
§  Rifan who have leadership, he will become leaders in the event.
§  Olivia who has the experience of managing his class finances well, she will become treasurer.
§  Ayu who are good at communicating with others, she will be assigned to the part that is related to the sponsor.
§  Eko who understand about audio system and other equipments, he will be the coordinator of equipment or transportation.
5.      How to give weekly report of the job
We will hold a meeting every week, in the meeting each section of the field will explain or report what happens in their field of division. such as those relating to budgets, interviewees, sponsors and others.
6.      How to handle the problems / changes in the middle of progress
Together with the holding of a weekly report meeting, as stated before, each section will report all the things that happen in their division. If there is a problem, the problem will be discussed immediately so that the problem is quickly solved. If in the problem solving process, we are faced with 2 or more solutions, then we will collect data first of each solution, data collected and about all the advantages or disadvantages that we will face if we choose the solution, whether the budget is allocated to the appropriate solution with our budget, etc.
In essence, in solving problems we must pay attention to all the risks that may occur from each available solution.
7.      Explaining the final step of the job
A few hours before the event began, we held a meeting to make sure everything was well prepared and ready to use, so that no problems would occur when the event had begun. Thus the event can run successfully. All participants who came were happy and satisfied to take part in the event we had held. 


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