Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 7

Class    : 3EB02
Name  :
1.         Eko Mahendra              ( 22216288 )
2.         Olivia Geovania S        (25216682 )
3.         Rifan Nugraha              ( 26216371 )
4.         Wahyuning Ayu W       ( 2C214170 )


Good afternoon everyone, we from Makaji Jaya’s travel want to offer special promos that are currently available in our travel. This special promo is only valid for the next 3 days from November 20-23 2018 and only in this travel fair. So what are you waiting for, we guarantee that this special promo is cheaper than usual, and very suitable for you and your family who want to take a vacation together. This promo package applies to a minimum of 10 people, the destination that we offer is Bandung. This trip will last 3 days 2 nights. And we will also give a bonus that will certainly be difficult for you to refuse, the bonus applies if you all order the promo package for 20 peoples. The bonus is in the form of a free promo package. If you order a promo package for 20 peoples, then you will immediately get the same promo package for free for 5 others people.
For more details I will explain the arrangement of activities, destinations and what facilities we will provide for you in this promo package. The problem of transportation and where to stay you don't need to worry ! We will provide the best for you and your family. For transportation, we will use the Tayo Bus, which of course will be very convenient to use in travel. And for hotels, we will stay in 3-star hotels, the hotel is equipped with swimming pool facilities and a playground which will certainly make your childrens happy. For other facilities, you will get meals for 3 times a day, snacks twice a day, coffee / tea breaks, tickets for all destinations, and medicines.
For the arrangement of activities
·         On the 1st day, in the morning we will visit the Punclut tourist area, and in the afternoon we will go to Cihampelas Walk, you and your family can freely shop there.
·         On the 2nd day, we will go to the Keraton’s cliff, and then will continue to visit Tangkuban Perahu.
·         On the 3rd day we will go to Bandung farm house, then then elephant village. in the afternoon we will return to the hotel to check out and return to Jakarta. on the way to Jakarta, we will stop by the Bandung souvenir center in the dago area.
Isn't this promo package very interesting, right ? So what are you waiting for, immediately order this promo package for you and your family! Remember, this promo is only valid for the next 3 days, don't let you regret it!


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