
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 7

Class     : 3EB02 Name   : 1.          Eko Mahendra                ( 22216288 ) 2.          Olivia Geovania S         (25216682 ) 3.          Rifan Nugraha                ( 26216371 ) 4.          Wahyuning Ayu W         ( 2C214170 ) TRAVEL INFORMATION Good afternoon everyone, we from Makaji Jaya’s travel want to offer special promos that are currently available in our travel. This special promo is only valid for the next 3 days from November 20-23 2018 and only in this travel fair. So what are you waiting for, we guarantee that this special promo is cheaper than usual, and very suitable for you and your family who want to take a vacation together. This p...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 6

Class     : 3EB02 Name   : 1.          Eko Mahendra               ( 22216288 ) 2.          Olivia Geovania S         (25216682 ) 3.          Rifan Nugraha              ( 26216371 ) 4.          Wahyuning Ayu W       ( 2C214170 ) (Asking for and giving opinions)                                                   Dodit      : Hallo good morning, welco...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 5

Class   : 3EB02 Name  : 1.        Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 ) 2.        Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 ) 3.        Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 ) 4.        Wahyuning Ayu W     ( 2C214170 ) TALK SHOW “How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur” 1.       Explaining the goals and benefits of the job Goals               : ·       To find out how to become a successful entrepreneur ·       To find out what tips can and cannot be done in running a business ·       To find out how to deal with challenges in...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 4

(Production something and presentation to manager) Class   : 3EB02 Name  : 1.        Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 ) 2.        Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 ) 3.        Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 ) 4.        Wahyuning Ayu W     ( 2C214170 ) The anti-sleepy motorbike   In the rapid development of technology in the current era of globalization has provided many benefits in progress in various aspects of life. Like a new modern technology that will be developed by PT. ECO JAYA, which is a anti-sleepy motorbike. With the production of this motorbike, it is expected to reduce the number of motorbike accidents that occur a lot, which is caused by sleepy motorbike users....

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 3

(Find organization structure company) Class   : 3EB02 Name  : 1.        Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 ) 2.        Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 ) 3.        Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 ) 4.        Wahyuning Ayu W     ( 2C214170 ) PT ANEKA TAMBANG Tbk 1.       Board of Commissioners      Evaluate the performance of directors with performance appraisal based on criteria set forth in KPI (Key Performance Indicator).      Some of the general criteria include the performance of the collective directors on the achievement of the company in accordance with the RUPP / RKAP, the implementation of Good Corporate ...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 2

(Conversation on the phone about business) Class   : 3EB02 Name  : 1.        Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 ) 2.        Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 ) 3.        Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 ) 4.        Wahyuning Ayu W     ( 2C214170 ) After 2 years running from the opening of  “Ayam Geprek” in Bogor. Ripan and Eko intend to open a new branch in Bandung. But unfortunately, they lack funds and need funding from sponsors to open this new branch. Eko         : Fan, y ou know that we want to open a new branch, but the problem is we lack funds.  Do you have someone who can help us? Rifan      : I think I h...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 1

(Introduce Yourself- Theme "Business") Class   : 3EB02 Name  : 1.       Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 ) 2.       Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 ) 3.       Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 ) 4.       Wahyuning Ayu W    ( 2C214170 ) *Day 1* At the cafe in Margonda, Depok. Meet two friends who are talking about business. Rifan      : Hey Ko, how are you? Eko         : I’m good, how about you? Rifan      : I’m good too. Eko         : How about the business that we talked about at that time on facebook ?            ...

Aspek Hukum Dalam Ekonomi: Bab 3

BAB 3 Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi A.    Pengertian Sengketa Sengketa adalah suatu situasi dimana ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan oleh pihak lain. Pihak yang merasa dirugikan menyampaikan ketidakpuasan kepada pihak kedua dan apabila pihak kedua tidak menanggapi dan memuaskan pihak pertama serta menunjukkan perbedaan pendapat, maka terjadilah apa yang dinamakan dengan sengketa. Akan tetapi dalam konteks hukum, khususnya hukum kontrak yang dimaksud dengan sengketa adalah perselisihan yang terjadi antara para pihak karena adanya pelanggaran terhadap kesepakatan yang telah dituangkan dalam suatu kontrak, baik sebagian maupun keseluruhan. Dengan perkataan lain telah terjadi wanprestasi. Berikut ini pengertian sengketa menurut beberapa ahli : -           Menurut Winardi             Pertentangan atau konflik yang terjadi antara individu-individu atau kel...