Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 13

Class    : 3EB02
Name  :
1.      Eko Mahendra             ( 22216288 )
2.      Olivia Geovania S        (25216682 )
3.      Rifan Nugraha             ( 26216371 )
4.      Wahyuning Ayu W      ( 2C214170 )

“Suggesting a New Businesses to be Operate to Gain Competitive Advantage”

Eko     : Our first business which will be the 2019 trand is MOS (mobile supermarket). The advantages are time efficiency, shopping becomes faster, practical, and economical, easier to find products that are sought, and no longer need to queue up when paying
Rifan  : what if the buyer does not receive the order more than the waiting time because there are congestion problems on the trip?
Eko     : we will try as quickly as possible to send our customer orders.
Ayu     : Then our second business is hologram interview. The advantages are time efficiency and cost of interviewing so it doesn't feel tense because it's done at home, saves expenses for accommodation or accommodation, for places to be flexible, and no longer need to queue for interviews.
Olip     : what if the company does not have a hol as a result the place to apply for work is limited
Ayu     : if there is something that happens, the hol will expand its marketing


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