Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 14

Class   : 3EB02
Name  :
1.      Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 )
2.      Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 )
3.      Rifan Nugraha            ( 26216371 )
4.      Wahyuning Ayu W    ( 2C214170 )

The team’s planning for a unique but promising business to do in 2019
“My Chef Application”
At present there are many startup companies that provide various kinds of services to the public, and that really helps the community in carrying out various activities. This, makes us increasingly challenged in providing other unique services, which have not been thought of by other companies, which of course this service is very useful for the community. Thus, the application "My Chef" will be inspired by our company. This application was made to facilitate the community, especially housewives. This application is very helpful for housewives in terms of cooking. For mothers who are going to hold a large enough event that needs help from others such as social gathering, family events, they can use the My Chef application.
This application itself provides provisioning services for experienced chefs in a variety of cooking menus that will help the application users to cook. Users can easily choose the type of cuisine they want to cook, such as Indonesian cuisine, Western, East Asia, American. From the types of choices that the user has chosen, an experienced chef will appear that matches the choice of the desired type of cuisine. As well as users can choose how many Chefs are needed to help them. Users can use the My Chef application for a maximum of 5 hours before the event takes place. Rates offered are based on the work time that the chef will take.
This application is very useful for users, because by using the My Chef application, users can keep an eye on all ingredients until the cooking process directly, so users do not need to worry about cleanliness, and the ingredients used in the cooking.
This My Chef  application is very feasible to develop, this application will greatly benefit many parties, both from the developer, shareholders and users. In this case, the developer, the company will benefit greatly because this application will be the first application that will provide services in this field. Shareholders will also benefit greatly, because if this application gets good feedback from the community, it will increase the value of the company, which will increase the dividends they will receive. With the development of the My Chef application, it will certainly be able to provide benefits to many parties.


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