Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: Task 9

Class    : 3EB02
Name  :
1.         Eko Mahendra              ( 22216288 )
2.         Olivia Geovania S        (25216682 )
3.         Rifan Nugraha              ( 26216371 )
4.         Wahyuning Ayu W       ( 2C214170 )

"Controlling the Discussion In A Meeting"

Ayu (Supervisor)         : Based on the sales report of the last 3 months, it was concluded that we experienced a decline in sales every month. Based on the sales report of the last 3 months, it was concluded that we experienced a decline in sales every month. Based on the sales report of the last 3 months, it was concluded that we experienced a decline in sales every month. Therefore, I as your supervisor feel very disappointed with your performance. So to increase our sales again, I want a solution from all of you. Do any of you have a solution ??
Olivia                          : What if we expand our sales target ?? For example, we can do endorsement advertisements to artists who are currently popular.           
Ayu                              : It's a pretty good idea, considering that currently endorsing artists can be said to be the most effective advertisement for a business. For the artist, does anyone have a suggestion who we can make as a model ??
Olivia                          : What if we choose Joy Olivia as our model ?? At present she is very popular among young people.
Rifan                           : I strongly agree with the endorse advertising method, but I disagree with the artist being used as the model, even though Joy Olivia is currently very popular, but she is popular with a bad reputation, and she has many haters. And if we choose her as our endorsement model, there is a possibility that it can make our company's reputation decline. I think Irene Alexander is very suitable to be the endorse model of our company, she has a very good image and she has almost no haters.
Ayu                              : Absolutely right, it will be worse if our company's reputation decreases. In that case, we agreed to choose Irene Alexander to become our company's endorsement advertising model.
Eko                              : Sorry Miss, I don’t agree with the endorse method that is used as an advertisement for our company. Because not everyone has social media. I prefer if we do television advertising, because almost all people in Indonesia definitely have television.
Ayu      : It is true that if we do advertising through television, we can reach almost all levels of society, but advertising on television requires a high cost compared to endorse advertising. Moreover, we are targeting young people to become our sales target, which in fact definitely has social media. So, it's better if we use endorse as our company's advertising method.


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